Auckland University of Technology / AUT (奥克兰理工大学)
Lincoln University(林肯大学)
Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT) (马努卡理工学院)
Massey University(梅西大学)
Mount Maunganui Language Centre(芒格努伊山语言中心)
Nelson English Centre(尼尔森英语中心)
Southern Institute of Technology(SIT)(南方理工学院)
Taylors College (泰勒学院)
The University of Auckland(奥克兰大学)
The University of Waikato(怀卡托大学)
Unitec Institute of Technology (Unitec)(新西兰理工学院)
University of Canterbury (坎特伯雷大学)
University of Otago (奥塔哥大学)
Victoria University Wellington(惠灵顿维多利亚大学)
Waikato Institute ofTechnology (Wintec) (怀卡托理工学院)